You Can't Fight
What You Can't See
Total Freedom
Located in Central Florida
Total Freedom is the outstretched hand of love, compassion, truth and healing to all men and women who have been taken captive by life-controlling behaviors. The Total Freedom Program was started in Central Florida by Directors Guy & Cate Iannello, and they have operated an effective residential alternative addictions and discipleship program there for over 25 years which has proven victorious in combating these behaviors. Total Freedom's programs hold strong with high values, pure ethics, and unconditional success. While these behaviors carry physiological manifestations, they often mask an underlying spiritual battle. Therefore, the program offers intense training boot camps that reach and expose the deep spiritual roots that have attributed to the character of life-controlling behaviors. Please click on the button below for more information.
Total Freedom NY
Located in Eastern New York State
Total Freedom New York is a private, faith based, residential facility located on 50 acres in eastern New York State. The organization is committed to helping adults get set free from life controlling problems and behaviors. The program focuses on promoting balance and integration of spirit, mind, and body. By providing a family-like setting, and equipping individuals with the necessary tools, Total Freedom NY helps people transition into a more stable and productive life. Please click on the button below for more information.
Total Freedom OH
Located in Central Ohio
Total Freedom (TF) Ohio is founded out of the Total Freedom programs modeled in FL and NY, (see descriptions below). TF Ohio offers services across central Ohio to individuals desiring a new life of freedom from self-destructive thoughts and behaviors. Total Freedom equips the whole person with the tools necessary become new creations in Christ to live a stable, responsible and productive life, and enables individuals to continue making it new each day through discipleship, mentorship, re-entry & life-skills training, and missionary service. Please contact us by clicking on the button below for further information.