Re-entry Support
Navigating the way...
Through Kindway's Embark program, NCM representatives assist in mentoring women preparing for the transition of re-entry after incarceration, and provide post-incarceration connection for continued navigation to successful independence. Click on the button below to learn more about Kindway.

Equipping at The Outreach Ministries
Kingdom Training...
NCM pastors instruct program participants in spiritual warrior training every Tuesday night through intensive discipleship, alternative addiction program curricula, and via testimony from visiting guests, elders and missionaries. For more information on The Outreach Ministries, click on the button below.

Missions & Pastors Training
Leadership Development...
Pastors from New Creations Ministries, Inc. equip leadership and pastors-in-training in disciplines of christian identity, the heart of the Father, spiritual warfare, and deliverance ministry. While on mission to equip leaders, NCM staff minister encouragement that bolsters faith and perseverance to the lost and needy in the community, and to laypersons, church leaders and pastors alike. Please contact us by clicking on the button below for information about our next mission, or to join us on an upcoming trip.

Serving Those in Need
Reaching out to the broken, and helping the hungry...
On weekends and holidays, representatives from New Creations Ministries, Inc. go into various communities across Licking, Fairfield and Franklin Counties to offer prayer, food, basic assistance bags, and bibles to the transient, homeless, and hungry. Basic assistance bags contain snacks, hygienes, a prayer book & bible, and are given in lieu of cash to panhandlers or anyone else expressing want or need. Please click on the button below if you'd like to volunteer or donate for this outreach.

Water for Life Fund & Outreach
Reaching the Broken, Filling the Thirsty
An outreach with a three-edged sword... representatives from NCM set-up information tables outside of local businesses and other venues in an effort to educate the community about freedom from life-controlling & destructive behaviors, to reach the broken through personal testimonies of restoration, and to procure funding for its various ministries by offering cold, refreshing bottled water for a donation of any amount. If you would like to help, please click on the button below to volunteer or donate.